Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Nominations for Inspirational Women in my Life

1. My sister Kenny Diaz: For all of my life, my sister has gone beyond playing the role of a sister. She has been my friend, my mother, my sister, my teacher, my adviser, my therapist, and one of my writing inspirations. Since I was old enough to have a concrete thought, I have always admired my sister. She is a true warrior princess (like Xena) that has gone through all the bumps and dead ends of life. Even when life didn’t make sense to her, she was mature enough to surpass it. A description of her: Strong, fearless, fighter, faithful, loyal, trusting, stern, aggressive, accomplished, loving, wife, mother, sister, daughter, forgiving, kind, passionate, hard-working, realistic, and beautiful. Over the course of my lifetime, my sister has always been someone I have admired, want to be and sometimes afraid to disappoint. Growing up, she always made me feel good about myself and helped me develop my backbone. Now, I am her younger adult sister that she still sees as her little sis, and she is my older sister that has been married 16 years and has 3 beautiful children to be proud of. Although life has never been easy to her, she manages better than anyone I know. So I propose a toast, to a woman who has inspired me, to a person I hope to be at least a small amount alike, and to the woman I am grateful to have in my life, my sister Kenny.

2. Adrian Kendrick: Here is a woman who always seemed very modest, down-to-earth, and shy. Getting to know her was certainly my pleasure. Not only is she a passionate and creative writer but she is also a very humble person. People like Adrian are rare in this world. Everyone holds their guard up because we have such a bad judgment of people in general. However, I instantly grew fond of this woman because she very similar to how I am. Although I must say, she is far more ambitious than I am which is why she has succeeded beautifully. Life hasn’t always been easy, but if someone knows how to look past the bad to get to the good, it’s Adrian. Her foundation should be an example to everyone. God is her foundation. If advice is needed on anything, she is always there to help. Even when there were sleepless nights, long studying hours and out-of-mind experiences, you would still see her the next day in her stylish clothes working on her articles. So I say cheers, to a friend I will always admire and hope to have in my life for many years.

3. Taylor Swift: Tall, Blonde, curly hair, red lipstick, dresses, thin, and amazing voice. All these are words that embrace Taylor Swift. Even though she is younger than me, (by one year) I truly admire her. It’s not the fact that she is young and successful, (although that is admirable) but the fact that she is humble and true to herself. I know the world is cruel and pressure is very intense on celebrities, but yet Taylor is a strong women who has not let the fame take over her. I know the magazines and tabloids are waiting around anxiously waiting for her to “mess up.” I want to say to does people who want to destroy her image, to get a life. I will cheer for Taylor always because I truly believe that unlike other young celebrities, she will always stay true to herself. I love the fact that she writes wonderful songs about boys who are immature to let a wonderful woman like her go. If she weren’t famous, there wouldn’t be so much pressure to “never make mistakes” but on the other hand, she wouldn’t be blessed with the successful career she has. Life is not easy and there are always pros and cons to decisions we make it. So I say cheers to a young and extremely talented woman who will continue to inspire me and make me smile with her wonderful songs.

4. Maya Angelou: Dr. Maya Angelou is a remarkable Renaissance woman who is hailed as one of the great voices of contemporary literature. As a poet, educator, historian, best-selling author, actress, playwright, civil-rights activist, producer and director, she continues to travel the world, spreading her legendary wisdom. Inspiration is a word that identifies Maya Angelou. When I first read her poems, I was dumb-founded by such profound and beautiful words that embrace my mind. Her words are powerful and have very meaningful value. Her books make us cry and yearn for more. She has seen it all in life and yet has persevered through it. To you Dr. Maya Angelou, I say thank you for existing and sharing with the world your profound words.

5. Beyonce: Strong, bold, feminine, smart, artistic, dancer, singer, chic, fierce, nice, and etc. Since I was in 5th grade, I fell in love with a group called Destiny’s Child. Theirs songs were always blasting from my cd player. As the group became more successful, the light was shinning on Beyonce. Now, about a decade later she has become her own empire. Her latest tour was phenomenal. A world tour with millions of crying fans singing and watching her perform. Although we would like to say she is perfect, no one is perfect. Even Beyonce has her bad moments but through it all this ambitious and passionate woman earned the respect of many. To Beyonce, I say cheers and hope that your life continues to direct you in the path that will lead you to eternal happiness.

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